Suggestions For Improvement to Maps
I am pleased to present the other eight (8) National Cemeteries located throughout Florida. To accomplish this I am soliciting your help to make the drawings as accurate as possible. In the interim I have provided the best maps that were currently available from websites. If the map you find is of good quality I have already completed the map to the best of my ability therefore I can use your help to improve it. Please research the website dedicated to the Florida Nationals Cemetery near Bushnell for ideas.
As I have promised there are no fees associated with this website for downloading anything presented. It has been my distinct honor to provide a central website to assist the families, relatives and friends in finding the final resting place of their veteran. No personal information provided to me will be retained unless YOU decide that I need to stay in contact with you. Only drawing improvements will be publicly released.
Because I cannot travel to all of these National Cemeteries I must rely on outside sources for information and accuracy. I have used satellite maps and other mapping sources, plus articles available on the internet. I want to provide visitors with easy methods in the location process.
For example finding Grave Sites and Vaults in Columbarium’s at many of the National Cemeteries differ in their numbering identification. The whole purpose of this website is to help in finding a Grave Site.
I will make as many reasonable changes that I possibly can and your assistance in accomplishing that is welcomed and appreciated by all concerned. Below I have included a history of changes for these additional cemeteries.
Please use the CONTACT US page to initiate any improvements.
Thank you in advance,